Flight Deck Wingman
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Guide to Passing Interviews and Group Exercises

£ 50

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£ 50

Guide to Passing Interviews and Group Exercises

£ 50

Guide to Passing Interviews and Group Exercises

The “Flight Deck Wingman Guide to Passing Interviews and Group Exercises” online PDF document I purchased was very helpful. Clearly Flight Deck Wingman has superb industry insight.

Commercial pilot – Virgin Atlantic



Our online guide to passing interviews and group exercises will give you the edge when it comes to this stage of the process. Condensed information from proven success built over many years, giving you the skill-set and knowledge to really shine at this stage of the process. Our interview "Techniques" will ensure that you are equipped to shine at any airline interview and group exercise!



How to - Make the right impression during your interview and the group exercise.

Hit those competencies - Learn how to socre against all the airline competencies those recruiters will be looking for.

Detailed examples - Worked examples on every type of interview question you might be expected to answer.

When the you feel the pressure - Coping strategies that work.

Group Exercise skills - Focussing on essential non-technical skills that will make you shine.

Top Tips - Additional hints and tips that will give you the edge.

Online delivery - Personal password protected PDF document. Perfect for clients at home, or on the move.



Back it up with some Skype Interview Coaching? Check out our Interview and Group Exercise Coaching services for more information.